Iberdrola, the only European mileage to be included in all 24 editions of the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index

Iberdrola has formerly again been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index( DJSI), making it the only European mileage to have been present in the indicator during its 24 editions. This is reflected in the periodic update published by S&P Dow Jones Indices. S&P Dow Jones Indices is a division of S&P Global, which provides essential data for investors, companies and governments to make confident opinions.

The selection is substantiation of the group’s strong commitment to the loftiest environmental, social and commercial governance norms, as from an original macrocosm of some 10,000 companies, only 10 of the listed companies with the stylish sustainability scores are named.

The elaboration of this indicator also demonstrates how investor interest in the most sustainable companies has increased in recent times and that it’s compatible to produce value for shareholders with a sustainable business model and involvement with the terrain since 2001, the DJSI World in euros has risen by around 80, compared to the 250 rise of Iberdrola in the same period.

This performance reflects the success of a model grounded on sustainable development, which has made Iberdrola the world leader in renewable generation, with further than 41,400 megawatts( MW) of renewable energy installed and an emigration-free electricity product of further than 80 by the end of the third quarter of 2023.

In this edition, the company has formerly again demonstrated its leadership in applicable aspects similar as invention, stakeholder relations, request openings, emigrations and mortal rights.

In addition to its addition in this indicator, the group’s presence and high score in the main transnational sustainability indicators, including Moody’s ESG, CDP, MSCI, FTSE4Good, Sustainalytics, ISS- ESG, Bloomberg GEI, Euronext Vigeo Eiris indicators, Global100, EcoVadis,etc., must be added.

Iberdrola has incorporated the Sustainable Development Goals( SDGs), defined by the United Nations for the 2030 horizon, into its business strategy and sustainability policy, and is a standard for its direct donation to the global pretensions, pressing its benefactions in the field of energy and climate change.

The company focuses its sweats on the force of affordable,non-polluting energy( thing 7) and climate action( thing 13), while contributing directly to icing clean water and sanitation( thing 6), has increased its investment in R&D&I conditioning( thing 9), promotes respect for the life of terrestrial ecosystems( thing 15) and works to establish alliances to achieve the pretensions( thing 17).

After anticipating the current energy transition by 20 times with further than 150 billion euros of investment, the company is moving forward with its major investment plan of 47 billion euros in the period 2023- 2025 and consolidating its business model, grounded on further renewable powers, further grids, further storehouse and further smart results for guests.

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