Brenmiller EnergyLtd.(” Brenmiller”,” Brenmiller Energy ” or the “ Company ”)( Nasdaq BNRG), a global leader in thermal energy storehouse( “ TES ”), moment blazoned that it has successfully completed commissioning of a bGen thermal storehouse- groundedco-generation station at State University of New York( SUNY). Brenmiller will hand over its bGen TES system to SUNY inmid-January, following training. The bGen “ charges ” using both exhaust gas and electricity and is anticipated to exclude roughly 550 metric tons of hothouse gas emigrations annually. Developed and stationed in cooperation with the New York Power Authority, the largest state power association in theU.S., the design was financed in part by a entitlement from the Israel-U.S. Binational Industrial Research and Development( BIRD) Foundation.
“ Turning over the operation of the first bGen system in the United States is a huge corner for Brenmiller, ” stated Brenmiller’s Chairman and CEO, Avi Brenmiller. “ We ’ve had a largely productive and satisfying experience working in collaboration with the New York Power Authority and SUNY. The benefits of our bGen, formerly demonstrated through this design, could enable broader relinquishment of our thermal energy storehouse systems in New York and across theU.S. ”
According to a study commissioned by the Renewable Thermal cooperative, thermal batteries stationed at scale have the eventuality to exclude nearly 800 million metric tons of emigrations per time in the United States. Encyclopedically, the request for thermal energy storehouse is prognosticated to reach over$ 2 trillion by 2040, according to McKinsey.
About Brenmiller EnergyLtd.
Brenmiller Energy delivers scalable thermal energy storehouse results and services that allow guests to bring- effectively decarbonize their operations. Its patented bGen thermal storehouse technology enables the use of renewable energy coffers, as well as waste heat, to heat crushed jewels to veritably high temperatures. They can also store this heat for twinkles, hours, or indeed days before using it for artificial and power generation processes. With bGen, associations have a way to use electricity, biomass and waste heat to induce the clean brume, hot water and hot air they need to fester plastic, process food and potables, produce paper, manufacture chemicals and medicinals or drive brume turbines without burning fossil energies. For further information visit the company’s website at https//bren-energy.com/ and follow the company on X( formerly Twitter) and LinkedIn.
Forward- Looking Statements
This press release contains “ forward- looking statements ” within the meaning of the safe harbor vittles of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other civil securities laws. Statements that aren’t statements of literal fact may be supposed to be forward- looking statements. For illustration, the Company is using forward- looking statements in this press release when it discusses the bGen at SUNY is anticipated to exclude roughly 550 metric tons of hothouse gas emigrations annually; that the bGen demonstrated through this design could enable broader relinquishment of the Company’s TES systems in New York and across the United States; and the benefits of the Company’s results and services to allow guests to cost- effectively decarbonize their operations. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, words similar as “ plan, ” “ design, ” “ eventuality, ” “ seek, ” “ may, ” “ will, ” “ anticipate, ” “ believe, ” “ anticipate, ” “ intend, ” “ could, ” “ estimate ” or “ continue ” are intended to identify forward- looking statements. compendiums are advised that certain important factors may affect the Company’s factual results and could beget similar results to differ materially from any forward- looking statements that may be made in this press release. Factors that may affect the Company’s results include, but aren’t limited to the Company’s planned position of earnings and capital expenditures; pitfalls associated with the acceptability of being cash coffers; the demand for and request acceptance of our products; impact of competitive products and prices; product development, commercialization or technological difficulties; the success or failure of accommodations; trade, legal, social and profitable pitfalls; and political, profitable and military insecurity in the Middle East, specifically in Israel. The forward- looking statements contained or inferred in this press release are subject to other pitfalls and misgivings, numerous of which are beyond the control of the Company, including those set forth in the threat Factors section of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20- F for the time ended December 31, 2022 filed with the SEC on March 21, 2023, which is available on the SEC’s website,www.sec.gov. The Company undertakes no obligation to modernize these statements for variations or changes after the date of this release, except as needed by law.