Westinghouse Electric Company announced today that it has received formal approval from the U.K. Department of Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) to begin the Generic Design Assessment (GDA) for its AP300™ Small Modular Reactor (SMR).
This marks the first step in the 2-Step GDA process, initiating collaboration with the Office for Nuclear Regulation, the Environment Agency, and, where applicable, Natural Resources Wales. The AP300 SMR design is based on Westinghouse’s proven Gen III+ AP1000® advanced technology, which has already received regulatory approval in Great Britain, the U.S., and China, and meets European Utility Requirements (EUR) standards for nuclear power plants. This existing approval track record significantly reduces the licensing risk for customers in the utility, oil & gas, and industrial sectors.
“We would like to thank the U.K. Department of Energy Security and Net Zero for their prompt and positive consideration of our application to enter the AP300 SMR into the Generic Design Assessment. The U.K.’s familiarity with the underlying technology of the AP300 and our strong global licensing success give us confidence that we will progress through the GDA process swiftly,” said Dan Lipman, President of Westinghouse Energy Systems.
This approval follows the AP300 SMR’s selection for the current phase of Great British Nuclear in October and its selection by Community Nuclear Power, Ltd. (CNP) to build four AP300 SMRs in Northeast England. These projects will utilize Westinghouse’s 75-year history of nuclear manufacturing in the U.K., particularly at its Springfields facility in Lancashire.
The AP300 small modular reactor stands out as the only SMR based on an advanced, large Generation III+ reactor already in global operation—Westinghouse’s proven AP1000 technology, which is licensed in the U.K. Unlike other SMRs under development, which often involve first-of-a-kind technologies with inherent risks, the AP300 SMR leverages existing AP1000 engineering, components, and supply chains. This approach streamlines the licensing process and taps into available technical expertise, providing confidence that the first operational unit will be ready in the early 2030s. The favorable economics of the AP300 SMR are supported by robust analysis and existing project costs from AP1000 reactors already in operation or under development across three continents. The AP300 SMR is currently being considered by customers in the U.K., Europe, and North America.
Westinghouse Electric Company is a global leader in carbon-free energy, offering safe and innovative nuclear and clean power technologies and services. Since supplying the world’s first commercial pressurized water reactor in 1957, Westinghouse technology has become the foundation for nearly half of the world’s operating nuclear plants. With over 135 years of innovation, Westinghouse remains the preferred partner for advanced technologies throughout the entire nuclear energy lifecycle. For more information, visit www.westinghousenuclear.com.