Shuohuang Railway Locomotive & Vehicle Co., Ltd. Named National Demonstration Enterprise for Safety Culture Construction

China Association of Work Safety recently released the list of 2022 National Demonstration Enterprises for Safety Culture Construction, and Shuohuang Railway Locomotive & Vehicle Co., Ltd. was inscribed on the list.

In recent years, the company has always prioritized workplace safety, established and improved its safety management system, and made active exploration and bold innovation in safety culture construction. It focuses on improving relevant rules and systems, promoting the awareness of safety, and fulfilling safety commitments. It has organized a series of safety culture construction activities including safety oath ceremonies, speech competitions, and knowledge contests to advance the in-depth integration of safety culture and business operation. By doing so, the company has gradually established a distinctive safety philosophy of “putting life first, promoting safety with intelligent approaches, and pursuing dreams and achieving perfection with safety in mind”. It compiled and published a Safety Culture Handbook to inspire all employees to consciously pay attention to safe production. The company is also pursuing safety-oriented self-management and consolidating the foundation for safety management, creating a sound atmosphere for workplace safety.

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