Petrobras, regarding the news published in the media, clarifies that the signing of the tolling contract with Unigel complied with the company’s governance system and all the relevant procedures, including the limit of competence laid down in the internal rules in force for the approval of service contracts.
The value of the contract mentioned is within the approval limit of the person responsible for the area and has been approved and validated by all previous bodies. Therefore, the governance system was fully respected.
KPMG has been Petrobras’ independent auditing firm since 2017 and has been hired by the company to audit its financial statements. It is not true that KPMG was hired by the Statutory Audit Committee or any of its members to carry out an investigation into the Unigel contract.
Nor is it true that KPMG recommended that the executive officers be removed from the process of certifying the financial statements. The disclosure schedule for Petrobras’ financial statements has been maintained.
As already informed to the market, this contract is provisional and aims to allow the continuity of the operation of the plants located in Sergipe and Bahia, which belong to Petrobras, for eight months, without extension. The tolling operation (gas processing service for the production of urea and ammonia) will still be activated, and Petrobras has not made any disbursements to date.
The intention of the signatory parties is, during the term of this contract, to work together to discuss and implement a sustainable business model for these two plants in the long term.
Petrobras also clarifies that the contract with Unigel was signed on December 29, 2023 in continuity with the understandings started on 06/06/2023 (“non-disclosure agreement”), consisting of a measure aligned with the company’s Strategic Plan 2024-2028 regarding the return to the production and sale of fertilizers.
Finally, the company informs that it has been providing all the clarifications requested by the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU).
Source link: https://agencia.petrobras.com.br/