E.ON joins the “Deutschlandnetz” (Germany Network). Today, the energy company was awarded the contract to build and operate more than 1,200 new fast charging points at around 140 locations by the Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport in Munich. By awarding the contracts for the Deutschlandnetz, the German government, together with the winning companies, is ensuring a nationwide, user-friendly and demand-driven fast-charging network. In total, around 8,000 new charging points will be added to the existing charging infrastructure in Germany.
Federal Minister Dr Volker Wissing: “Individual mobility is a valuable asset in a free society. That is why I am pleased that, as the Federal Ministry of Transport, we are setting a milestone with the Deutschlandnetz, which guarantees users a reliably available range of fast charging options in Germany. With the Deutschlandnetz, we are complementing the expansion activities of the charging infrastructure operators in a meaningful and targeted way. Simple fast charging without gaps in the charging map will thus become a reality.”
Patrick Lammers, Board Member for Customer Solutions at E.ON SE: “We are proud to have driven the development of the charging infrastructure in Germany from the very beginning and that E.ON will now also become one of the largest operators of the Deutschlandnetz. The aim is to have 15 million electric vehicles on German roads by 2030. To achieve this, we are committed to a rapid and unbureaucratic expansion of the charging infrastructure to meet the needs of users. We are convinced that this is the way to achieve the climate targets in the transport sector.”
E.ON’s subsidiary E.ON Drive Infrastructure will build the 140 new sites in north-western and southern Germany. They were part of a tender for a total of around 1,000 sites across the country, which were awarded in 23 regional lots. E.ON will provide charging capacity of up to 400 kW at the new sites. The installation is expected to be completed by 2026 and will be realized together with suitable location partners.
Arjan van der Eijk, COO of E.ON Drive Infrastructure: “Our goal is to make electric mobility attractive for everyone. To this end, we are investing in public charging infrastructure and will install at least 1,000 new charging points of 150 kW or more across Europe every year. In parallel, we are driving the expansion in locations such as retail outlets, fitness studios, restaurants and hotels. These are places where charging can be easily integrated into people’s daily lives.”
Source link: https://www.eon.com/