Iberdrola has been recognized for another year with an “A” rating for climate change transparency

  • The group chaired by Ignacio Galán has been recognized by CDP for its leadership in corporate transparency and climate change performance, securing a place on its annual ‘A List’.
  • Its maintenance once again demonstrates its strong commitment to the highest environmental standards and its commitment to decarbonization.

Iberdrola remains steadfast in its commitment to decarbonization. The company has remained in the world’s most prestigious climate change index, the CDP, with the top score. According to the data reported by CDP, the company is one of a small number of companies that have achieved an “A” rating out of more than 21,000 companies analyzed.

CDP uses a detailed and independent methodology to assess companies, assigning a score of A to D – based on the comprehensiveness of disclosure, knowledge and management of environmental risks, and demonstration of best practices associated with environmental leadership, such as setting ambitious and meaningful targets.

Fully aligned with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) CDP has the world’s largest environmental database, whose scores are used to drive investment and procurement decisions towards a sustainable, resilient, and zero-carbon economy. 

In 2023, more than 740 financial institutions with over $136 trillion in assets asked companies to make public data on environmental impacts, risks, and opportunities through the CDP platform, achieving record participation of over 24,000 companies.

In addition to the company’s inclusion in this index, it has also achieved a high score in the main international sustainability indices, including the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, Moody’s ESG, MSCI, FTSE4Good, Sustainalytics, ISS-ESG, Bloomberg GEI, EcoVadis, etc.LEADING THE WORLD IN SUSTAINABILITY 

Iberdrola has incorporated the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), defined by the United Nations for the 2030 horizon, into its business strategy and sustainability policy. In addition, the company is a benchmark for its direct contribution to global goals, highlighting its contributions in the field of energy and climate change.

The company focuses its efforts on the supply of an affordable and clean energy supply(goal 7) and action for the climate(goal 13). Iberdrola also contributes directly to ensuring clean water and sanitation (goal 6), has increased its investment in R&D&I activities (goal 9), promotes respect for the well-being of terrestrial ecosystems (goal 15) and works to build partnerships to achieve the goals (goal 17).

Iberdrola continues to make progress in its commitment to energy self-sufficiency and in its proactive role as an active agent in the fight against climate change. Iberdrola now has more than 41,000 megawatts (MW) of renewable capacity installed worldwide and has an emission-free electricity production of more than 80%.

Source link: https://www.iberdrola.com/

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