Equinor’s long-term safety trend remains positive, though the total number of injuries has slightly increased by the end of Q3 2024, compared to the previous 12 months.
As of the third quarter, the serious incident frequency (SIF) per million hours worked stands at 0.3, consistent with the second quarter. This figure includes serious injuries as part of the incident statistics.
In the past 12 months, seven oil and gas leaks have been reported, categorized by severity based on discharge rates. “We are making progress in reducing major accident potential, hydrocarbon leaks, and serious incidents. We continue to observe a low incident frequency, and it’s crucial to learn from what’s working well,” says Jannicke Nilsson, Equinor’s executive vice president for safety, security, and sustainability.
The total recordable injury frequency (TRIF) per million hours worked for the last 12 months increased to 2.4 by the end of Q3, up from 2.2 at the close of Q2.
“Our employees and suppliers are collaborating effectively to enhance safety, but we haven’t achieved the desired improvement in the injury trend. This remains a challenge we must address together,” adds Nilsson.
Equinor, through its “Always Safe” program, is partnering with other companies and suppliers to better understand factors that may hinder safe work performance. The fourth quarter’s focus in the “Always Safe” learning package centers on health and working environments.
Nilsson notes, “An increasing number of users are engaging with the ‘Always Safe’ materials, which is encouraging as it demonstrates a commitment to sharing lessons and focusing on common safety concerns across our industry.”
Equinor continues its efforts to prevent major accidents by providing management training and e-learning courses, which are also available to suppliers. No incidents involving major accident potential or serious well control issues occurred during the third quarter.