Endeavor Management and University of Houston Form Strategic Energy Transition Partnership

Endeavor Management and the University of Houston (UH) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to enhance their commitment to supporting energy transition. This strategic partnership aims to leverage the strengths of both organizations to accelerate advancements in sustainable energy technologies and strategies.

Signed on June 20, 2024, the MOU continues their collaborative effort to tackle the challenges of repurposing offshore infrastructure for clean energy (ROICE). This formalizes ongoing efforts that have produced influential research on successfully implementing ROICE projects. For more information, visit: ROICE Project – University of Houston (uh.edu).

Endeavor Management will closely collaborate with UH Energy, the university’s interdisciplinary energy initiative, and members of the ROICE Project Collaborative (RPC) to promote innovation, research, and the implementation of sustainable energy solutions in the next phase of the ROICE project.

“Our collaboration for this ROICE phase and with the RPC will blend our offshore operations expertise, regulatory experience, and innovative commercial enterprise creation to meet the demands of energy transition. Together, we will create a blueprint that drives real business impact with the application of clean energy principles,” said John McKeever, Chief Growth Officer, Endeavor Management.

“Since ROICE’s inception, Endeavor has worked alongside RPC members, providing critical expertise to shape the ROICE program. Brian Gibbs, Bruce Crager, and Glenn Legge have shared their decades of experience with our team, helping develop best practices and techno-economic results,” said Dr. Ram Seetharam, UH Energy Center Officer and ROICE Program Lead. “This MOU formalizes our commitment to advance industry implementation of energy transition strategies. Together, we aim to create impactful solutions benefiting the energy sector and society.”

The organizations plan to generate additional industry interest through initiatives such as Joint Industry Programs, a joint demonstration project, educational programs and workshops, industry outreach, and the publication and distribution of an Impact Report.

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